Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Journey – Benadine Janas Alfred – Mother of Amos Form 4

First and for most, I would like to thank all parents, teachers, friends that are known and unknown to me and well wishers for offering me in prayer towards my recent recovery.
I would also like to thank the organizing committee – the form 4 teenagers for allowing me to share something about myself.
As some of you may have known the year 2007 till mid 2008 was the most testing moments of my life. Life was sailing before this until I was admitted for bilateral deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in Oct 2007. Just when I was about to go back to work after my cataract operation. I was asked to rest in bed but unfortunately by the 2nd week cellulites had set in and my left leg swell 5 times larger than the original size. My left abdomen was also swollen and I couldn’t move any part of my left body except my left arm. This kept me bedridden for 6 months. During this period I went into renal failure and dialysis had to be started in November 2007. Peritoneal dialysis was a better option for me but because of the prolonged fever the doctors were unable to start me on it.

During hemodialysis, I had about 25 pints of blood transfused as my hemoglobin level used to drop badly. I was admitted into ICU for close observation and ventilation because of poor oxygen saturation.
What I like to share here is, although it was a very tough moment for my family and me, we were able to overcome the trials because of the good support we had from friends, relatives and love ones. The caring team of Klang Hospital was equally wonderful in rendering their services. During this period, the one person that gave me courage was God Almighty and he is the reason for me being a survivor today.
Once again I would like to tell the children here that to have a sick parent and to be able to care for them is a blessing from God. You will be repaid abundantly. For that I am grateful to my husband Alfred, children Abraham, Anna, and Amos who were there around the clock for me. Thank you, peace, joy and happiness.

Yours Sincerely,
Bernadine Janas Alfred

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